5 Amazing Beauty Hacks using Old toothbrush

Amazing Beauty Hacks using Old toothbrush

beauty hacks using old tooth brush

Hi Girls!! What do you do with the old tooth brush? You just throw it away right. Yes, I also do that but now that I know our old tooth brush can be quite helpful in serving lot of purpose. How? I will tell you. So that the next time you keep your old tooth brush and take help from that.

1. Get smoother lips

You can scrub the lips using the old toothbrush. For that take some Vaseline on the tooth brush and rub on the lips. This will exfoliate the dry and chapped lips. The bristles of the brush will scrub the lips and the Vaseline will keep the lips moisturized.

soft smooth skin using old tooth brush

2. Tame the flyways

I really get irritated with the flyways. So, what I do? I will spray some hair spray on the old toothbrush and rub all over the flyways. This will not only tame the flyways, but makes the hair look manageable. You can also run the same tooth brush on the baby hairs that are there on the forehead and nape area.

3. Unruly eye brows

A lot of us have full thicker eye brows so what we can do to make them look managed. Take some hair spray on the tooth brush and then rub over the eye brows. This will give 2 benefits. First is that this will brush the eyebrow hairs, secondly this will also make the hair stay in place because we have sprayed hair spray over that.

eye brow styling using old tooth brush

4. Shinier manicure nails

For this beauty hack take some honey and apply all over the nails. Now use the tooth brush to brush over the nails. This will remove the dry cuticle, dead skin and also scrub off the nails. Soon you will see that the nails are softer. But don’t forget to use a moisturizer after washing the honey off the hands.

5. Softer heels

A lot of us will pay attention to the face and body but feet are something that we will ignore. This happens with a lot of us, with me too. πŸ™‚ So, what can we do, we can take some shower gel and apply that on the feet. I am saying shower gel as soaps can be drying. So apply shower gel on the feet and gently scrub the nails, toes and the heels. This will take off the dead skin cells. We get softer smoother heels and feet.

So, girls will you throw the old brush the next time? I hope not. πŸ™‚

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