Top 22 Useful & fun Skill to Learn in 2023

skill to learn

Everything we learn is a skill. Our skills are an essential part of our existence, as we need them to survive. Acquiring new skills also keeps our brains active and our everyday lives interesting.

There are so many things to learn out there. You can choose a skill that stirs your interest, seems worth your time, or that you feel might diversify career opportunities. If you cannot decide what to learn, we are here to help with this exciting list of fun skills to learn.

New Skills

We have specially handpicked and crafted a long list of skills to learn when bored. The skills are sorted into various categories for you to choose from. Each skill has been discussed with explicit instructions to help you decide whether it is befitting for you. Check out our table of contents to have a preview of our recommendations.

The perks of learning something fresh and fun are not just limited to driving off boredom. There are also many cognitive benefits as well.

So, how can you make the most of your skills? And what inspires you to choose which skill to learn? Let us begin by understanding all the possible positive effects of learning a new skill.

How Does Learning New Skills Impact Your Life?

Skills are acquired for a variety of reasons. The most common is upskilling your career. When people begin to master new things, it motivates them to pursue many more alongside their busy schedules. Thus, they gravitated toward finding fun things to learn.     

Learning Skills

Our human minds are meant to be outstretched and worked up. So when we have things to learn, we put our minds to use. Let us now see why this decision is actually so right.

  • Studies have shown that learning new skills entirely alters parts of your brain’s chemistry. This makes you more agile and keeps your brain healthy in the long run, help you avoid cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
    Learning upgrades brain function
  • Knowledge is the biggest contributor to our self-confidence. The more we know, the more confident we become. The sense of accomplishment and our enriched knowledge pool give us the assurance we need to have self-belief.
     Knowledge boosts confidence
  • We get to know ourselves better. When we encounter a new skill, we also find out the things we find easier to learn and the challenges we face. This helps us get a grip on our own capabilities.
  • You utilize your time by devoting it to something fruitful and not wasting it.
  • When we have cool things to learn, it also makes us happier. It is a proven fact that when our brains are engaged in something, we do not get distracted by negative thoughts. Accompanied by the sense of success we feel when we master a skill, this sort of arrangement helps elevate our mood too.
    The Joy of Learning
  • You also become adaptable and flexible in your manners. When you indulge in fun things to learn them, you are breaking your own cycle of habit. This will help you adopt a growth mindset and also be more susceptible to changes in life.
    Learning makes us adaptable
  • A cognitively challenging or demanding skill is a useful skill to learn, as it boosts your memory and enhances your aptitude.
    Learning boosts memory
  • Learning and solving new things is the exercise our brains need. So the more we learn, the faster we can process information.
    Brain becomes stronger with learning
  • When we have something exciting to look forward to, getting up comes more naturally to us. Us choosing an interesting skill to learn is like the incentive we need to be motivated about daily life. 
    A Quote by Henry Ford 
  • You can also become the star of any event. Anyone who has some upbeat skill to flaunt instantly grabs the spotlight.

You can learn many new things on your own from various sources available today. The internet is making it easier to learn new things independently. However, sometimes you do need professional guidance based on the intricacies of the skill to learn it properly.

How to Approach New Skills to Learn Them?

Learning anything new requires commitment, perseverance, and passion. The joys of learning also de-stress us and break us free from the humdrum of daily life.

If you are someone who is trying out some new skills to learn but has not been able to fix a schedule, we are going to suggest certain steps that could help you.

  • Decide what is driving you to learn something new.
    Learning something new
  • Understand what you are expecting from the skill and yourself.
  • Now, go for a skill that agrees with the responses of the above two.
  • Make a learning plan with targets.
  • Divide the skill to learn into distinct sub-skills and master them one by one.
  • Identify your learning style. Understand whether you are a visual learner or an auditory one. Or are you someone who appreciates hands-on learning methods, or is a kinesthetic learner? 
    Learning styles
  • Now, go for methods as per your learning style.
  • Pick out if there are potential snags like lack of time, funding, etc., and deal with them first.
  • If you want to learn multiple skills, try not to have more than one thing to learn on your plate at a time.
    Multiple Skills to Learn
  • Practice the skill as much as possible. 
    Practice Makes Perfect
  • Adopt a compassionate style of learning and use a lot of positive affirmations to keep yourself motivated. Remember that you should always learn from your mistakes rather than being disheartened for making them.

These steps ease up your learning process. When you consider and embrace the right way to learn, you can assimilate anything much faster and way more easily. We are also presenting a catalog of several useful skills to learn. Take a look at them and go for the one which calls out to you.

The Life-Saver Skills to Learn

Starting our checklist with skills that could someday save your or others’ life. These skills must receive as much importance as possible. The more people learn these, the more lives can be saved.


Learning First Aid

We all keep a simple first-aid box in our homes and use it now and then for minor cuts and bruises. But how many of us actually know how to tend to a serious injury? It is essential to learn basic first-aid tips.

First Aid

Learning how to stop the bleeding from a deep cut, how to support a broken bone till help arrives, detecting the signs of a concussion or a stroke, etc., are all vital knowledge that plays a massive role in saving people’s lives.

Learning how to give CPR

Many of us must have heard of CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and how immensely useful it is. It is used to jump-start a person’s heart and is the first and foremost thing that professional emergency medical transporters learn.


However, the skill should not stay limited to emergency patient escorts and should be learned by everyone. It is also quite easy to learn. The key is to be attentive to all the instructions and practice the steps as much as you can in a simulated environment.

Knowing the Heimlich

Heimlich is another emergency medical assistance that helps save a victim. Also known as the abdominal thrusts, the Heimlich Maneuver is a first-aid technique used to clear out any upper airway obstruction, thus facilitating proper breathing in the victim. This is done to people who might be choking on some foreign objects (mainly food) and are not able to breathe as their airway is jammed.

The Heimlich Maneuver

This is a crucial lesson during basic life support (BLS) and advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) classes. Its correct procedure should be learned and practiced thoroughly in order to avoid any intra-abdominal damage.

Building or Putting Out a Fire

Did you know each year the US encounters about 400,000 house fires? These fires are responsible for enormous losses, ranging from costing precious human lives to damaging valuable property.

Just like fire extinguishers are a must for every household, knowing the correct way to put off a fire is also an indispensable skill to learn. Understanding the type of fire (cooking fire, chemical fire, electrical fire, ordinary) and following the corresponding procedure is the need of the hour.

Putting Out a Fire

Along with extinguishing the fire, igniting one is a key skill to learn as well. For example, if a hiker gets stuck in the middle of a forest. lighting a fire solves a bunch of problems.

Building a fire

The fire will keep off pitch-black darkness, the cold, and any wild animal too. Moreover, it can cook a can of noodles for dinner if the wait gets too long.


In the modern era, we do not always need to fight using some weapons, however, learning some skills to defend ourselves in the face of danger is a vital skill to learn.

Self-defense techniques are promoted a lot today. Learning a kick or two and injuring your attacker to protect yourselves can someday save your life.


There are many institutions and academies that teach the basics of self-defense. An increasing number of people are enrolling in these, and a lot more should follow. Learning such a skill will make you more confident and will not only protect you but also make you capable of saving someone else too.

After these vitalizing activities, you should also check out the skills to learn to promote you professionally. After all, that is the first and most popular reason for upscaling their skill set.

Interesting Skills to Learn to Scale Up Your Career

Competition is soaring in today’s world. And this has also led to everyone adding points to their expertise. Resumes have gotten stronger now w