Practical skills every parent should teach their child

Practical skills every parent should teach their child

May 9, 2024

ET Online


This is an essential skill for all aspects of life. Encourage your child to participate in conversations, ask questions and communicate their thoughts.

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Teach your child how to approach challenges and find solutions independently. Help them break down complex problems into smaller steps and possible outcomes.

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Critical thinking

Teach your child to analyse situations and form their own opinions. Encourage them to ask "why" and "how" questions and make decisions based on logic.

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Financial literacy

Help your child understand basic financial concepts like saving, budgeting, and responsible spending. Give them small amounts and track their expenses.

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Basic cooking

Learning basic cooking skills comes in handy all your life. Start with simple tasks like chopping vegetables, preparing sandwiches or making easy dishes.

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Household chores

Assign small chores to make them feel responsible. This could involve setting the table, clearing the dishes, doing laundry, or keeping their room tidy.

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Basic first aid

Teach your child basic first-aid skills like treating minor cuts, scrapes, and insect bites. This will give them confidence and they will be able to help.

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Understanding and managing emotions is a vital life skill. Help your child identify their emotions, learn healthy coping mechanisms and practice self-care routines.

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