Household chores that can be beneficial exercises for your body

Household chores that can be beneficial exercises for your body

ET Online

May 6, 2024


Digging while gardening works your arms, shoulders, and legs. Squatting to pull weeds strengthens your legs and core, and raking tones your arms and core.

Image Source: iStock


Pushing a vacuum cleaner can get your heart rate up and strengthen your legs and core. Going around furniture adds an extra element of core engagement.

Image Source: iStock


Squatting to wring out the mop works your legs, while moving your arms back and forth while mopping strengthens your upper body.

Image Source: iStock

Stair Climbing

Taking the stairs instead of the lift is a simple but effective way to get your heart rate up and strengthen your leg muscles.

Image Source: iStock

Carrying Groceries

Grabbing those heavy grocery bags and lugging them inside is a great way to build upper body and core strength. Maintain proper form to avoid injury.

Image Source: iStock

Walking Dog

Walking your furry friend is not just good for them, it's good for you too. A brisk walk can be a great way to get some cardio exercise and fresh air.

Image Source: iStock

Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning often involves a lot of lifting, moving furniture, and reaching high shelves. This is a great workout for your arms, legs, core and back.

Image Source: iStock

Dancing and Cleaning

Turn up the music and add some fun to your chores. Dancing while cleaning is a lighthearted way to get your body moving and burn some calories.

Image Source: iStock

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