UPSSSC PET Exam Date 2023 Out, Check Official Notice

UPSSSC PET Exam Date 2023 Out: Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UPSSSC) every year conducts Uttar Pradesh Preliminary Eligibility Test (PET) exam. UPSSSC PET 2023 is being conducted as an Eligibility Test for the recruitment of Group B and C posts. After the successful completion of the online registration process, candidates are going to appear in UPSSSC PET Exam 2023. As per the official notice, the UPSSSC PET Exam 2023 will be held on 28th and 29th October 2023. To get the details of the UPSSSC PET Exam 2023 have a look at the below article.

UPSSSC PET 2023 Exam Summary

उत्तर प्रदेश अधीनस्थ सेवा चयन आयोग ने प्रारंभिक अर्हता परीक्षा 2023 (UPSSSC PET 2023) का नोटिफिकेशन पर जारी किया। प्रारंभिक अर्हता परीक्षा 2023 का आयोजन 28, 29 अक्टूबर 2023 को होगा। The specifications for UPSSSC Preliminary Eligibility Test-2023 (प्रारम्भिक अर्हता परीक्षा 2023) in tabular form are given below: The candidates qualifying Preliminary Eligibility Test will be eligible to appear for the Mains Exam to be conducted to recruit for UP Lekhpal, X-Ray Technician, Junior Assistant, and other Group B & C posts. 

UPSSSC PET 2023- Exam Summary
Exam Conducting Body Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission 
Exam Name UPSSSC PET 2023 (प्रारम्भिक अर्हता परीक्षा 2023)
Advt. No.  07/2023
Purpose of Examination For Recruitment on Group “B” and “C” posts
Category Govt Jobs
Application Mode Online
UPSSSC PET Exam Date 2023 28th & 29th October 2023
Job Location Uttar Pradesh
Official website 

UPSSSC PET Exam Date 2023 Out

The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UPSSSC) has released the exact date for UPSSSC PET Exam Date 2023 on 04th September 2023. As per the schedule, the UPSSSC PET written exam will be conducted on 28th & 29th October 2023. The complete details regarding UPSSSC PET 2023 Shift timing, venue, centre code, city, etc will be notified through the candidate’s respective hall tickets. The snippet of the official notice has been shared below. 

UPSSSC PET Exam Date 2023

UPSSSC PET 2023 Important Dates

The UPSSSC PET Exam Date has been released on 04th September 2023 through an official notice. The exact date UPSSSC PET Exam Date 2023 as announced by UPSSSC is 28th and 29th October 2023. Here we have updated the official dates regarding the UPSSSC PET 2023 Exam.

UPSSSC PET 2023- Important Dates
Events Dates
Release of Official UPSSSC PET Notification 01st August 2023
UPSSSC PET Apply Online 2023 Starts 01st August 2023
Last Date for Online Application 30th August 2023
Fee Submission & Correction window closing date 06th September 2023
UPSSSC PET Admit Card 2023 October 2023
UPSSSC PET Exam Date 2023 28th & 29th October 2023

UPSSSC Vacancy 2023

UPSSSC will soon release the vacancy details for various examinations along with announcing the Mains Exam dates and vacancies for various Group B & C posts. The candidates who qualify for UPSSSC PET Exam can appear for the Mains Exam for Group B & C posts. As depicted in the UPSSSC Calendar. Last year around 20994 vacancies were released for Lekhpal, X-Ray Technician, Junior Assistant, and other posts, check the details below. 

UPSSSC PET 2023 Notification

UPSSSC PET 2023 Notification pdf has been released by Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission at the official website . The complete details about UPSSSC PET 2023 has been mentioned in the official UPSSSC PET Notification 2023. The candidates interested to apply for UP Lekhpal, X-Ray Technician, Junior Assistant, and other Group B & C posts must have qualified in the UPSSSC PET 2023 for which the details can be checked from the below UPSSSC PET Notification PDF link. 

UPSSSC PET Notification 2023- Download PDF

UPSSSC PET 2023 Online Form

UPSSSC Online Form link to apply online for the UPSSSC PET 2023 was activated along with the release of notification. All the application and registration processes have to do only in online mode. The Application form can’t be submitted offline / printed copy by post. Submission of the application form for appearing in the UPSSSC PET 2023 is to be undertaken online at the UPSSSC official website Click on the below link for UPSSSC PET Apply Online 2023 procedure. 

UPSSSC PET Online Form 2023 Link [Inactive]

UPSSSC PET 2023 Application Fee

The application fee for the UP PET exam 2023 has been released along with the UPSSSC PET notification pdf. The application fee can be paid through debit/credit card, internet banking and SBI e-challan. 

UPSSSC PET 2023 Application Fee
Category Application Fee Online Processing Fee Total Amount
UR/OBC 160 25 185
SC/ST 70 25 95
PH Nil 25 25

Fees shall neither be refunded nor carried forward if the application for UPSSSC PET 2023 is rejected/the candidature is found to be ineligible or the candidate is unable to appear in the examination.

UPSSSC PET 2023 Eligibility Criteria

The Eligibility Criteria, Educational Qualification and age limit for the UP PET exam 2023 have been released along with the UPSSSC PET 2023 notification pdf. Candidates who want to appear for UPSSSC PET 2023 must fulfil the following eligibility criteria if they do not qualify for the eligibility conditions their application may lead to rejection.

UPSSSC PET Educational Qualification

Only the candidates who have passed High school/ class 10th or any other equivalent exam can apply for UPSSSC PET 2023. Those who have not passed High school cannot apply.

UPSSSC PET Nationality

Applying candidates must be of Indian nationality. Although it is not specifically stated that the candidate must be a domicile of Uttar Pradesh. Students looking to find placements in Uttar Pradesh can apply for the job since the state is the only location for the job placement.


The candidate must be aged between 18 to 40 years. The candidates must have been born between 01st July 1983 to 01st July 2005. The age relaxations shall apply to the following categories:

Category Age Relaxations
SC/ST/OBC 5 years
Meritorious Sportsperson 5 years
PWD 15 years

UPSSSC PET 2023 Selection Process

After the implementation of UPSSSC PET 2023 scores, only those candidates who score well in UPSSSC PET 2023 will be called for the upcoming Group ‘B & C’ main examinations for the particular posts. If anyone has not enrolled themselves for the UP PET 2023 then they will not be able to appear in the main Exams against any vacancies and hence it is mandatory to appear for UPSSSC PET 2023. The selection process for any UPSSSC recruitment will be as follows:

1. Scoring minimum qualifying marks in PET written exam

2. Main Exam of the concerned post

3. Interview/Skill Test (if applicable)

4. Document Verification

UPSSSC PET 2023 Exam Pattern

The exam pattern as per the recent notice released for the UP PET 2023 is as follows:

  1. The exam will consist of objective type multiple choice questions
  2. A total of 100 such questions will be asked.
  3. The duration of the exam shall be 2 hours.
  4. Wrong answers will result in a negative marking of 1/4th mark.
  5. The difficulty of questions for topics from sr. no. 1 to 9 shall be as per NCERT Secondary/Senior Secondary level.
UPSSSC PET 2023 Exam Pattern
SNo. Subject Marks
1 India History 5
2 Indian National Movement 5
3 Geography 5
4 Indian Economy 5
5 Indian Constitution & Public Administration 5
6 General Science 5
7 Elementary Arithmetic 5
8 General Hindi 5
9 General English 5
10 Logic & Reasoning 5
11 Current Affairs 10
12 General Awareness 10
13 Analysis of Hindi Unread Passage – 2 Passages 10
14 Graph Interpretation – 2 Graphs 10
15 Table Interpretation & Analysis – 2 Tables 10
Total 100

UPSSSC PET 2023 Syllabus

The UPSSSC PET Exam 2023 does not have a very wide syllabus. It has only a general Syllabus and Topics of High School level that any candidate would have as basic education. The subjects and topics that are included in UPSSSC PET 2023 syllabus are mentioned below. Anyone can easily find the study material for these topics and prepare well.

A. Indian History

  1. Indus valley civilization
  2. Vedic civilization
  3. Buddhism
  4. Jainism
  5. Mauryan empire
  6. Gupta empire
  7. Harshavardhan
  8. Rajput era
  9. Sultanate era
  10. Mughal Empire
  11. Maratha empire
  12. British Rule and 1st war of independence
  13. The social and economic impact of British rule

B. Indian National Movement

  1. The initial stage of the freedom movement
  2. Swadeshi and civil disobedience movement – Mahatma Gandhi and other leaders role
  3. Revolutionary movement and rise of militant nationalism
  4. Farewell amendment and British India Act 1935
  5. Quit India movement, Azad Hind Fauj and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose

C. Geography

  1. Indian and World Geography
  2. Rivers
  3. Water resources
  4. Mountains & glaciers
  5. Desert & dry areas
  6. Forest
  7. Mineral resources
  8. Political geography of Indian & world
  9. Climate
  10. Time zone
  11. Demographics & migrations

D. Indian Economy

  1. Indian Economy (1947 to 1991)
  2. The planning commission and 5-year plans
  3. Development of mixed economy: Private & Public
  4. Green revolution
  5. White revolution & operation flood
  6. Banking nationalization
  7. LPG reforms of 1991
  8. Economic reforms post 2014
  9. Farm reforms
  10. Structural reforms
  11. Labour reforms
  12. Economic reforms
  13. GST

E. Indian Constitution & Public Administration

  1. Indian Constitution
  2. Salient Features
  3. Directive principles
  4. Fundamental rights & duties
  5. Parliamentary system
  6. The federal system, Union Govt & UR, Union Govt & States
  7. Judicial Framework
  8. District administration
  9. Local bodies and Panchayat Raj

F. General Science

  1. Basic Physics
  2. Basic Chemistry
  3. Basic Biology

G. Elementary Arithmetic

  1. Whole numbers, fractions and decimals
  2. Percentage
  3. Simple arithmetic equations
  4. Square & square roots
  5. Exponent and powers
  6. Average

H. General Hindi

  1. संधि
  2. विलोमशब्द
  3. पर्यायवाचीवाक्यांशोंकेलिएएकशब्द
  4. लिंग
  5. समश्रुतभिन्नार्थकशब्द
  6. मुहावरे-लोकोक्तियां
  7. सामान्यअशुद्धियां
  8. लेखकऔररचनाएं (Prose & Poetry)

I. General English

  1. English Grammar
  2. Questions on passages

J. Logic & Reasoning

  1. Order & ranking
  2. Blood relations
  3. Calendar & watch
  4. Cause & effect
  5. Coding decoding
  6. Conclusive reasoning, etc.

K. Current Affairs

  1. National current affairs
  2. International current affairs

L. General Awareness

  1. India’s neighbours
  2. Countries, Capitals & Currencies
  3. The Indian States & UTs
  4. Indian Parliament
  5. Days National & International importance
  6. World organizations & HQs
  7. Indian tourism destinations
  8. Indian art & culture
  9. Indian & International Sports
  10. Indian research institutes
  11. Books & authors
  12. Awards & honours
  13. Climate change & environment

UPSSSC PET 2023 Detailed Syllabus PDF in Hindi

UPSSSC PET Question Paper

UPSSSC PET exam is conducted in two shifts and more than 20 lakh candidates have appeared for the exam. UPSSSC has uploaded the UPSSSC PET question papers on its official website. The candidates who are planning for the next year UPSSSC PET exam can download the question paper from here. 

UPSSSC PET Salary, PayScale, Perks, Benefits

In the official notification, it has been mentioned that PET exam will be conducted for the posts which have their salary above Pay Scale 1 (5200-20200) Grade pay 1900/- and below Pay Scale 2 (9300-34800) Grade Pay 4600/-.

Apart from the basic, there are various perks associated with the posts as well like DA, HRA, travelling allowance, etc. as well, which takes the in-hand salary from Rs 25000 to Rs 37000 initially depending on the post.

UPSSSC PET 2023 Admit Card

The PET Admit Card will be issued on the UPSSSC official website for the candidates around 10 days before the exam date. The candidates must download the admit card and get a hard copy of it as the commission will not send any admit cards to the candidates individually. Follow these steps to download the admit card

Step 1: Go to the official website of UPSSSC.

Step 2: Click on the “Examination Interview” tab. 

Step 3: Now click on the option for download of admit card.

Step 4: Enter the required details and the admit card will be generated. 

UPSSSC PET Answer Key 2023

After the conduction of the UPSSSC PET Exam 2023, the commission will release the provisional answer key on its official website and challenges will be accepted to the answer key for a limited period. The final UP PET answer key will be released once the objections are assessed.

UPSSSC PET 2023 Result

After taking UPSSSC PET Exam 2023 the merit list of shortlisted candidates will be prepared for appearing in the Group B & C main Exams for particular posts and vacancies released from time to time. The merit list will be prepared category wise i.e. UR, OBC, SC/ST.

The UPSSSC PET exam will be qualifying in nature. The candidates need to clear the cutoff to qualify for the mains examination. The cutoff shall be different for different posts. The merit list of the candidates will be released on the UPSSSC website. The candidates can download the merit list to check their scores and then wait for the cutoff. Follow the steps below to download the result. 

Step 1: Visit the official website of UPSSSC.

Step 2: Click on the “Results” tab. 

Step 3: Click on the option of PET and then the link for the particular post you applied for.

UPSSSC PET 2023 Cut Off

The UPSSSC PET cut-off marks will be released along with the result and the candidates have to score more than the minimum cut-off marks announced by the commission. Click on the below link to check UPSSSC PET’s expected cut-off marks. 


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