Top 10 rich people who are truly disconnected from the real world, it’s hovering at 10,000

It’s not always easy to be rich in real life! I say that because experience, because with my 50 euros in my bank account, I can see that my life is more complicated. We must think about investing in polluting companies, controlling tax havens, while regularly complaining about our problems of being rich. Really, the life of a rich man is hard. I don’t wish it on anyone. In fact, I would say, be poor but rich in heart. Damn, hair…

1. Jade Lagardere

Yes, Arnaud Lagardère’s wife really released a video of her filming herself while driving (already hello dangerousness) to tell that she had decided to take her courage in both hands and drive Paris-Milan. She was told it was “irrational” but what do you want, “she had to do it”. 6h30 driving alone fucking… WHAT A WOMAN!

2. Jean-François Copé and his pain au chocolat at 15 cents

Let’s remember together this beautiful outing of our favorite right-wing politician, when he said in 2016, at the microphone of Europe 1, that a pain au chocolat must certainly cost “between 10 and 15 cents depending on the size”. But we excuse him, he already has no hair, we are not going to take away his naivety.

3. Kylie Jenner and her photo with two jets

Believe it or not but Kylie posted a first degree photo on her insta account of her and her boyfriend in front of their two jets with the caption “We take yours or mine? “. In mode the planet is not at all dying and we have to endure heat waves at 40°C all summer so that it hesitates on which jet to take. Without me, thank you.

4. Arielle Dombasle who was proud to say that she had done her shopping during confinement without even knowing Carrefour

During the first lockdown of 2020, plenty of stars started doing “normal” stuff as their employees went home. This is how Arielle Dombasle went shopping for the first time at Carrouf. And there is no denying it, his story is worth all the best novels in the world: “For the first time, I went food shopping. It was very difficult. […] I came to something called Market. I went there, the people were super nice. I went to the juice department […]. I left the Market, I didn’t know what to take, I had no idea what the basic necessities were”. Want to see an adaptation of this beautiful story.

5. Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet who said that she loved line 13 and that we experienced moments of grace there

A real proof that she had never set foot there (especially since she then came out that the price of a metro ticket was, MDRRRRRRR, but yes of course).

6. Jeff Bezos who thinks that to save the Earth, we must move polluting industries into space

So Jeff, what do you say… We know that you’re more into economics than science and environmental studies, but honestly, everything agrees that your idea is shit. Don’t be offended, we tell you frankly because you are our friend.

7. Jacques Séguala who felt that you could easily “put €1,500 aside when you’re homeless”

In any case, if the homeless want to afford a Rolex before they turn 50, they just have to follow the financial advice of good old Jacques who really knows about salaries and savings. Ah, they are so mims these rich people who have no concept of money.

8. Patrice Laffont who was afraid of ending up on the street with a pension at “€3,500” per month

The former TV presenter from Fort Boyard said in November 2021 “to fear for his retirement”. Well yes, because according to him, with €3,500 a month, you can “die in the street” so much you end up broke at the end of the month. Patrice, if you end up on the street with such a sum, it’s because you’ve given too much into the kitty to bring the tigers back to Fort Boyard, that’s all.

9. Gwyneth Paltrow who didn’t quite understand what it was like to be poor

Brave Gwyneth meant well in 2015, when she shared a photo of her $29 shopping cart to show that it was still not much to eat and live decently. The thing is, she only bought food that was too expensive for real people in a precarious situation, like spring onions, limes, or avocados. It was nice but Gwen, but next time avoid it, or promote first-rate pasta.

10. Bella Hadid who would have been traumatized by her mother refusing to buy her Louboutins after obtaining her baccalaureate

Oh no my heart! That’s really abuse, I hope you called 119 because that’s direct social assistance, huh! Don’t have kids if it’s to deprive them of all the joy of living in fact…

Money, money, money, must be funny, if we all had plenty of it.


  • Thiruvenkatam

    Thiru Venkatam is the Chief Editor and CEO of, with over two decades of experience in digital publishing. A seasoned writer and editor since 2002, they have built a reputation for delivering high-quality, authoritative content across diverse topics. Their commitment to expertise and trustworthiness strengthens the platform’s credibility and authority in the online space.

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