Top 10 people everyone hates (there’s nothing to do)

There are a lot of things that everyone hates even though they are popular. Well it also concerns people. These really well-known people while strangely everyone is pissed off. Whether this detestation is justified or not, here are the public figures as well known as they are little appreciated. A top barely sponsored by bad faith.

1. Nicolas Bedos

Leader of this ranking, we can all agree that he is a divisive person. Each time he speaks it’s to name-drop his buddies better known than him (“My friend Jean” understand, Jean Dujardin), to say things he considers provocative when it’s not even provocative, to play it free spirit in cardboard. In short, he may be full of good will, we don’t want to go on vacation with him at all (unlike someone like Samuel Etienne for example).

Why we shouldn’t hate him so much: because in the end, well, here he is, making his way without bothering many people. And besides, he broke up with Doria Tillier which means she’s SIIIIIIINGLLLLLLLE.

2. Melanie Laurent

Poor Melanoche. It will be enough of one viral video with a compendium of crappy interview sentences and a lot of jealousy about her career to make her the most unjustly hated actress in France. It’s ugly. It was already not easy to wear the first name Laurent as a last name, we really don’t have a heart.

Why we shouldn’t hate her so much: she made films centered on ecology with Cyril Dion (tomorrow), she starred in cult comedies (Dikkenek), frankly, what have you done better in your life?

3. Marlène Schiappa

In the series of policies that link blunders, Ms. Schiappa is quite generous. She makes shows with Hanouna, she invites place Bauveau Magali Berdah and other sub-mental stars of reality TV, she does a barely hidden product placement on Insta for the veuch. In short, she is a nugget.

Why we shouldn’t hate her so much: because she works in an already hated grassroots government and if we only take the bad, there are (definitely) some useful things she has to do besides having released 10 books since 2017.

4. Anne Roumanoff

When you want to make a reference to corny humor, you quickly cite this comedian even though you’ve never seen any of her sketches (admit it).

Why we shouldn’t hate her so much: because she’s a comedian who makes people laugh and ultimately compared to an activity as a dictator or serial killer or Jean-Marie Bigard it’s a little better.

5. Kev Adams

The djeun’s comedian grew up and not necessarily with the respect of his peers. Rotten films, ultra-embarrassing sketches with Gad Elmaleh (“the Chinese”), member of the jury for the worst PAF show (Mask Singer), we never stop counting down his worst career choices.

Why we shouldn’t hate him so much: because contrary to what he wants us to believe, he has curly hair and it’s already not easy for him.

6. Frédéric Beigbeder

Dandy I don’t care about the smell of alcohol known for his excesses in almost everything, we love to hate the writer with the double hat of literary critic who did not attract much sympathy by signing in 2013 the little subtle “manifesto of the 343 bastards” to claim his right to go to whores, no less heavy reference to the manifesto of the 343 (“sluts” as we say more commonly since the Charlie Hebdo caricature), whose signatories admitted to having undergone an illegal abortion .

Why we shouldn’t hate him so much: Whoa. 99 francs it was like a book, wasn’t it?

7. Tibo InShape

In the jungle of influencers it is difficult to extract a personality more hated than the others insofar as we have a good big bunch of people who are crazy about tunes who tell a bunch of bullshit on the networks in the greatest calm. However, Tibo InShape often does well with videos where he shouts loudly to say that in life, even if you are depressed, you just have to do 200 push-ups to get better.

Why we shouldn’t hate him so much: because he’s completely strawberry, we better remove him from social networks and impose a detox cure based on a total absence of sports activity.

8. Cyril Hanouna

Do I really need to remind you here of one of Cyril Hanouna’s great moments of grace? Paradoxically there are still a lot of people who continue to adore him and that’s simply fascinating.

Why we shouldn’t hate him so much: because the more we hate him the more he becomes famous, I don’t like to talk like a daronne who talks about her child’s worst enemy at school, but the best thing is to ignore him.

9. Michel Sardou

Well, I’m getting a little ahead, I imagine that people like him, like his family members. But otherwise, in addition to having rotted the musical playlist of all our late evenings (more precisely evenings when you’re a business school student), Michel Sardou has somewhat become the patron saint of music boomers.

Why we shouldn’t hate him so much: because all the same it had to be written “woman of the 80s woman to the end of the breasts”.

10. Carla Bruni

It’s not always super easy to be a president’s wife. Especially when the president in question is indicted for corruption. If Carla Bruni was masked to super stylish people like Mick Jagger, we still have a lot of hatred for this woman and her songs that always remain in our minds and her ultra bombastic way of speaking and her family of mega richou.

Why we shouldn’t hate him so much: because it’s not with this ultra hostile behavior that we will get contact with our plastic surgeon.

11. Jean-Jacques Topito, founder of Topito

Yeah we know you hate us but why do you keep reading us then? That’s crazy.

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