We all know someone who is or was a waiter. If we don’t know it, it’s because it’s us! No matter how much we complain (because we’re French and we love it), it’s still a very nice job, which brings a lot of cool stuff, such as stress management, repartee or human contact. On the other hand, it is far from being a simple task! The life of the waiters is a special thing, which you will not be able to understand if we do not draw you a picture. So… Bah… We made you some drawings!
1. The sleep cycle

2. Monday Excitement

3. The mood when summer arrives

4. Things that make you lose your temper

5. Tips

6. Ton dressing

7. The notion of “full-time contract”

8. The smells that disgust you the most after a service

9. Physical activity

10. Working hours

We do not forget ladies and gentlemen, we are polite, kind and pleasant with the waiter or the waitress in front of you! First, because that’s how life really works. Then, because he may well have a trick or two up his sleeve to get revenge discreetly…