SEBI Grade A Salary 2023, Revised Pay Scale & Allowances

SEBI Grade A Salary 2023

SEBI Grade A Salary 2023: Securities and Exchange Board of India has released the notice regarding the revised SEBI Salary for various posts. As per the new salary structure, the initial pay scale for SEBI Grade A Officers has been revised to Rs. 44,500 which was previously Rs. 28,150. The candidates who are applying or planning to apply for SEBI Grade A Recruitment 2023 must be aware of the revised pay scale and other details in terms of SEBI Grade A Salary 2023. In this article, we have been providing the complete detail for the revised SEBI Grade A Salary 2023 including dearness allowances, HRA, travel allowance and other benefits.

SEBI Grade A Salary 2023 (Revised)

The revised salary for the SEBI Grade A post will be effective from 01st November 2017. There is a probation period for all the selected employees of 2 years and salaried with initial basic pay of Rs. 44,500/-. Check the complete details about SEBI Grade A Salary Structure from the below table.

SEBI Grade A Salary 2023
Basic Pay Rs. 44,500
Pay Scale 44500-2500 (4)-54500-2850 (7)-74450-EB-2850(4)-85850-3300(1)-89150 (17 years)
Increment 4 stagnation increments
Special Pay Rs. 3300 (after completion of 1 year)
Dearness Allowance 30.38% of the basic pay
Special Allowance 16.4% of basic pay (minimum- Rs. 11,000)
Family Allowance Rs. 2850/-
City Compensatory 5% of basic pay (maximum- Rs.2500)
Local Allowance Rs. 3450
Learning Allowance Rs. 2500
PFA Rs. 3850
Grade Allowance 14% of basic pay (minimum- Rs. 10,400)
Special Compensatory Allowance Rs. 500- Rs. 625 per month

SEBI Grade A Recruitment 2023 Out for 25 Assistant Manager Posts- Click to Check

SEBI Grade A Salary- Revised Pay Scale

The initial pay scale for SEBI Grade A Officer has been revised to Rs. 44,500 from Rs. 28,150. Now the pay scale for the position of officers in Grade “A” is 44500-2500(4)-54500-2850(7)-74450-EB-2850(4)-85850-3300(1)-89150 (17 years), which means that the initial basic pay provided to any Grade A Officer will be Rs. 44500 and after 4 annual increments of 2500 INR, it will be Rs. 54500 (at the end of the 5th year) which will ultimately become Rs. 89150/- after 17 years. The candidates will be posted to Mumbai or offices situated in metropolitan cities to continue their careers in SEBI. Training to all the selected candidates will be provided to its headquarters which is located in Mumbai, therefore the net SEBI Grade A salary is approx. Rs. 1,15,000 (without accommodation) and with accommodation, the net salary is approx. Rs. 80,500.

SEBI Grade A Salary 2023 PDF- Click to Download

SEBI Grade A Salary- Perks & Allowances

The employees at Grade A Officer posts will be provided with 4 stagnation increments. Apart from the basic pay, any SEBI Grade A Officer receives various perks and benefits which are listed below:

  1. Dearness Allowance
  2. Special Allowance
  3. Family Allowance
  4. City Compensatory
  5. Local Allowance
  6. Learning Allowance
  7. PFA
  8. Grade Allowance
  9. Special Compensatory Allowance

SEBI Grade A Salary- Job Profile

Though the vacancies are released for different streams for SEBI Assistant Manager Grade A, each profile may have different roles and responsibilities, but the common job profile is mentioned as below.

1. SEBI Grade A Officers are responsible for looking after the legal issues.

2. SEBI Grade A Assistant Manager has to handle the issues related to market securities, commodities, and Indexes, etc.

3. SEBI Grade A Officer may be given multiple responsibilities in the IT department.

4. SEBI Grade A Officers have to look after the acquisition and mergers.

5. Assistant Manager will be responsible for the issues related to the legal framework and the organization itself.

SEBI Grade A Salary- Career Growth

Grade A Officer (Assistant Manager) is the entry-level officer post in the SEBI. The employees selected as Assistant Manager can grow to various posts depending on their experience and performances. The top-level post in the Securities and Exchange Board of India to be promoted when hired as Assistant Manager is Executive Director. Check the promotion cycle as depicted below-

1. Assistant Manager (Grade A)

2. Manager (Grade B)

3. Assistant General Manager ( Grade C)

4. General manager ( Grade E)

5. Chief General Manager (Grade-F)

6. Executive Directors

SEBI Grade A Syllabus 2023 & Exam Pattern- Click Here

SEBI Grade A Cut Off 2023- Click Here


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