How to Detox Your Body for a Healthier You

How to detox your body

Without a doubt, the Christmas and New Year holiday season can be one of the most indulgent times of the year. When we celebrate with our friends and family, we often focus on having fun and ditch the caution. It means forgetting what is good for our body and consuming far too many unhealthy foods and alcohol. Don’t worry, we’re all guilty of this bad habit, but now that 2017 is here, it’s time to get things back on track. A post-holiday detox can be a great way to cleanse your body and start the New Year fresh and healthy. Ensuring that it is a natural detox that will increase your well-being and not starve you is, of course, essential. So if you’re going to detox, here’s how to do it right.

What is Detox?

Detoxification is the process of cleansing the body to promote better health, including through the use of lifestyle changes. Although there are many different methods and ways to do this, the goal is always to flush bad toxins out of the body to help your natural systems work most efficiently. The term toxin can refer to any substance that can be toxic or have negative effects on the health of the organism. Designed to purify the body, the best detoxes are natural and help to improve the natural processes of elimination of toxins and waste. Typically, drug rehab involves abstaining from certain harmful things and introducing healthier options that optimize bodily processes.

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Why Detox?

Detox can be a fantastic way to flush out toxins from the body and provide it with the elements it needs to get back on track. Whether you’re feeling lethargic, bloated, sick, or just not quite well, a detox can improve your body’s functioning and heal ailments. In turn, this will give you more energy and better well-being for a better quality of life. The best part is that detox doesn’t have to be difficult. To see great results, you don’t have to go to extremes. Most natural detox techniques can simply be incorporated into your daily life. Once you start making these changes, you will find that your physical, mental, and emotional health will improve and you will generally feel better.

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How to detox your body

  • Use daily cleansing techniques, such as drinking enough water and eating organic foods, as well as more intense, less regular detox techniques, such as juicing.
  • Exercise more to eliminate toxins and reduce stress.
  • Replace one meal each day with a nutritious detoxifying smoothie to get rid of substances your body doesn’t need and give your digestive system a boost.
  • Undertake regular skin brushing to enhance the elimination of toxins, improve circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system.
  • Let your digestive tract and organs rest and recover by avoiding solid foods (fasting) for one day per month (choose a weekend as you will need to rest throughout the process).
  • Truly detox your body by quitting smoking and limiting your alcohol and caffeine intake.
  • Get regular massages to target pressure points and release any harmful toxin buildup.
  • Start your day with a glass of warm lemon water to aid digestion and help the body expel waste.
  • Reduce sugar and simple carbohydrates from your diet.

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Types of Detox Programs

Detox can take many different forms and can easily be tailored to your needs. Long-term detox programs tend to be great for everyone and involve making general lifestyle changes and introducing new regular practices for a healthier lifestyle. Short-term detoxes, on the other hand, focus on quickly removing toxins from the body and can be more extreme. In moderate use, they can be ideal for those who suffer from ailments that may be due to toxins.

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Short term detox programs

Short-term detox programs are designed to quickly remove toxins from the body and restore health. One of the most common types is a 24-hour juice cleanse, which involves replacing all food with nutritious juices for one day. Similarly, apple detox diets consist of eating only apples for three days to decrease calorie intake and cleanse the colon. Other types of short-term detox programs include colons, skin cleansing, intravenous injections, and chelation therapy (a toxicological treatment to remove heavy metals from the system).

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Long-term detox programs

Long-term detox programs are designed for continued use and involve lifestyle changes as well as the introduction of new beneficial practices. Ideal for improving overall health and well-being, these programs often focus on physical exercise and better nutrition. Exercise aids the detoxification process through sweat excretion while eating more vegetables and fruits and avoiding simple carbohydrates and sweeteners improves digestion and waste excretion. Likewise, drinking plenty of fluids, such as water, natural juices and herbal teas, flushes toxins from the body. Other long-term detox methods include homeopathy, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, massage, herbal baths, meditation, Epsom salt baths, and taking vitamins and supplements.

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Foods to detoxify your body

Changing your diet can be one of the most effective ways to detoxify your body. While there are, of course, foods you should avoid, such as sugar and fast food, there are plenty you should eat more of. These detoxifying foods will help naturally rid your body of toxins and promote good health.

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Lemon is ideal for increasing the production of digestive juices by the body. This is beneficial for your colon and means more toxins can be flushed out. In addition to this, lemon can also help cleanse the liver and gallbladder, remove toxins from pores, and relieve upper respiratory problems.

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Turmeric may seem like just another spice, but it’s actually a superpower when it comes to detoxification. It helps cleanse the liver, which is especially useful after the holiday season. For best results, turmeric can be made into a tea, otherwise it makes a nice addition to curries.

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Although few people eat more dandelion greens, they are great for detoxifying your body. Ideal for stimulating liver function, dandelion improves health and is an ideal replacement for arugula. Alternatively, if you can’t find dandelion greens, try dandelion tea for a delicious detoxifying treat.

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Oats are full of fiber and serve as a diuretic, which means it helps eliminate toxins through the kidneys and colon. Try blending them into a healthy smoothie or consuming cholesterol-lowering oatmeal.

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Lentils are a great option for those looking to detoxify their body. Not only are they high in plant-based protein, but they also keep you feeling full without the fats, calories, and toxins often found in meat.

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