Email Writing: As the technological revolution evolves the old traditional way of communication, that is, letters evolved into modern-day email writing. Sending and receiving emails is an important part of communication. This method of communication is even popular in organizations, firms, etc. to communicate with their employee. Also, this forms an important part of the syllabus in Schools. So here we will discuss how to write email writing, and tips to remember while email writing with examples.

Email Writing

Email stands for Electronic mail and is a method of sending, receiving, and producing information over the Internet through an electronic communication system. Emails are generally used to communicate for official purposes. It is the most popular mode of communication since it is the cheapest and it takes less time.

Format of Email Writing

Email writing is an effective way of professional communication. It is not necessary to get people to respond to your emails if they do not feel interested in your message or proposal. This is exactly the reason why you should learn email writing should be good. Be specific. The best email communication is the one that is easy and straightforward.

  1. Email Address– Make sure you type in the exact email id of the receiver to whom you are sending. Always cross-check before sending because even an unwanted full stop can land your email at the wrong address.
  2. Subject Line– The Subject line is the next most essential factor that should be considered because that is the first thing anyone receiving the email would see. It is also the determining factor if the receiver would want to open the mail.
  3. Salutation- See that your Salutation or Greeting is suitable for the receivers.
  4. Body- The Body of the email states what the email is all about. Be very clear with what you want your receiver to know. Make sure you jotted down everything you want to convey drafted in simple terms. It should very simple, short, and easy.
  5. Sign off the email on a humble note. You can write ‘Thanks & Regards’ or ‘Warm Regards’. The closing should be good and hopeful so that the receiver wants to respond.

Email writing template

  • To – Recipient’s email id
  • CC – Other people receiving the email with visible email ids
  • BCC – Other people receiving the email with hidden email id
  • Subject – The title of the Email with a phrase/one line regarding the main purpose.
  • Greeting – Words like Hello. Hi, Respected before the recipient’s name.
  • Main body – Introduction
  • Ending – End with a concluding line
  • Attachments – Attach your documents and let the recipient know
  • Signature – Phrases like Thanks, Regards, and your name under it. You can add a designation if necessary.

Tips for email writing

  • Stay updated and avoid using old letter writing formats. There is no requirement for mentioning dates when practicing electronic modes of communication.
  • Formal emails can have indirect questions instead of direct ones.
  • Always hold your tone politely.
  • Formal complaints should be eloquent but without losing the nature of professionalism.

Email Writing Format Samples

Here are some sample emails to make your understanding better of how to write an email in the best possible way.

Sample 1: Informal Email Writing Format

Topic- An email expressing your appreciation

To-  Recipient’s email address

Subject: Congratulations!Dear (Name),

My heartfelt congratulations to you. I was glad to see your name on the merit list. All your hard work was definitely not in vain. I bet everyone at home is so proud of you.

You have truly made the family proud, and I am happy that you would get to take up the course in architecture that you were dreaming of. I am waiting to meet you in person to convey all my love and appreciation.

Convey my regards to my uncle, aunt, and grandpa.


Your name

Topic- Email about your trip

To- Recipient’s mail id

Subject: About my trip

My dear (Name),

I am very excited to write to you about the long tour which we are planning along with my parents. We will be leaving on the 29th of this month.

We will be away for three months. We are going to Chennai for an official meeting which my father has to attend. We would then be traveling to Bangalore to visit our cousins. We would stay there for a month. After that, we would be going to Hyderabad. It has always been my dream to visit Char Minar in Hyderabad at least once in my lifetime, and my parents have finally agreed to take me there. I will definitely write to you all about my trip – all the different places we visit, the variety of food we eat and the people we meet.

It would have been even more special if you had come along with me. We will make sure we plan out a trip once I am back home.

With best wishes,

Your name

Sample 2: Formal Email Writing Format

Topic- Email on seeking information regarding course details

To- Recipient’s mail id

Subject: Regarding Course Details

Dear Sir,

I have passed the B.Sc. degree examination with Electronics as the main subject. I intend to have a course in Computer Science and would like to know the details of the courses taught at your institution. Could you please send me a copy of your brochure?

Yours faithfully,

Your name

Topic- Email on introducing a new employee to your team

To- Recipient’s mail id

Subject: Meet the New Customer Service Representative

Dear Team,

I am pleased to introduce you to (Name), who is starting today as our Customer Service Representative. She will be providing technical support and assistance to our users and making sure they enjoy the best experience with our products.

Feel free to greet (Name) in person and congratulate her on the new role!

Best regards,

Your name


Topic- Email on official intimation of your resignation

To- Recipient’s mail id

Subject: Resignation

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I am planning to pursue my higher studies in the coming academic year, and hence I would like to inform you of my intention to resign from the post of (Designation) at (Name of the Institution), effective three months from now.

I appreciate the opportunities for growth and development you have provided during my association with (Name of the Institution). It was indeed a privilege working here, and it was a valuable work experience, which has helped me grow personally and professionally to a great extent.

Please accept this letter as the formal intimation of my resignation.

Thank you for your guidance and support.

Yours sincerely,

Your name

Topic- Email Writing Format for Resignation

To- Recipient email id



Subject: Resignation Letter

Dear Sir,

I’m sending you this email to let you know that I’m quitting the company. According to business policy, I must provide a month’s notice before leaving. I’m hoping you’ll be able to find a suitable candidate for this position within this time frame. I am grateful for the chances you have provided for me to grow. Best wishes for the future for you and the organization.

Please let me know what to expect in terms of my final work schedule and employee benefits. It would be an honor to assist with the foregoing.

Waiting for your response.

Thanks and Regards

(Your name)

(Designation name)

Sample 3: Email Writing for Students

Topic- Email to inform your classmates regarding the intra-college quiz competition.

To: (email id of recipient)



Subject: Intra-college Quiz Competition.

Hello Everyone! This is to notify you all that an intra-college quiz competition is going to be conducted in our college on Jan 25 from 11:00 am in Auditorium – 01. Everyone is therefore invited to take part in the competition so that our department can win.

For further inquiries, feel free to contact me.


(Your name)

Class representative

Topic- Email to inform your classmates regarding Science Exhibition

To- Recipient email id



Subject: Regarding Science Project

Dear Bindi,

I hope you are feeling better. I am writing to inform you that our school is conducting a science exhibition. I request everyone to participate in the exhibition, those willing to participate shall provide their name latest by the 30th of this month.

Thanks & Regards,

(Your name)

Class Representative

Class-12 (Science)

XYZ Higher Secondary School


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    Payal Maheshwari is a dynamic content creator specializing in lifestyle, marketing, tattoos, and news. With a flair for creativity and a knack for storytelling, she delivers engaging and informative content tailored to diverse audiences.

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