Best 4 Exellent Egg Remedies for Hair Fall and Hair Growth

Best ways to apply Egg Remedies for Hair fall and Hair Regrowth

Hi everyone! Hair fall, hair loss is something which can leave us stressed. This is because that our hair is one of our best accessories that beautifies our face. But due to certain reasons hair would fall and we would loos too many hair strands. Some hair fall is very normal like 50-70 strands in a day but if that amount exceeds that that may be troublesome. You may have heard about various hair fall remedies. Like the remedies with the natural products like amla, triphala, bhringraj for hair growth and hair fall minimization purpose. But here is another remedy that is equally good for the hair fall. This natural product is egg. Yes, egg is one of the best ingredients to treat you hair fall. When you do hair remedies for hair fall with egg that will help you get the natural strength and also gives sufficient relief in the hair fall. So, let’s see what are these methods to apply eggs on the scalp and hair using these home remedies for hair fall control and to make the hair grow back.

Best Egg Remedies for Hair fall and Hair Regrowth

Benefits of Applying Eggs for Hair

Which is the part of the egg that you can use of the hair? This is pretty easy eggs have two parts like its white and the egg yolk. The yolk is mainly rich in fatty acids which is good for the dry hair. You may know that eggs are high in proteins. They are also high in vitamins like A, B complex, Vitamin E etc. Not only are that eggs rich in the mineral sulphur which helps to stimulate the eruptions of new hair follicles. Minerals like zinc, selenium, iron, phosphorus etc are also high in eggs thus all these will result in the hair fall control and good hair growth. The minerals, vitamins etc are very important for hair growth this is why doctors will advise us to take ample amount of proteins and green leafy veggies when we are experiencing the hair fall, hair loss and hair brittleness. Vitamin E in the eggs will help you get the smoothness so that the hair don’t break due to roughness and brittleness. Moreover, Vitamin B7 which is known as Biotin is also essential for the stronger hair roots and hair regrowth. So, if you wish to have healthy and stronger hair then do include eggs in your diet. This will also show good results in your skin as well.

Now, moving on to the remedies and recipes, which can be done with eggs to get hair fall under control. Packs and masks with eggs are also considered useful in this problem.

Hair treatment with Egg: Recipes and remedies

Here are some of the best ways you can use egg to combat the hair fall and hair loss. Let’s have a look.

1. Egg and yogurt hair mask for hair loss, hair fall

Yoghurt is great for the hair fall and hair smoothening. Egg gives strength and through nourishment to the hair. Yoghurt in rich in lactic acids and fatty acids which in long term helps to minimize the hair fall due to hair breakage. Moreover, this deadly combination can also strengthen the hair roots and the hair strands too.  Here is the easy procedure, but if you are thinking how many times this can be applied then it is also answered.

Best Egg Remedies for Hair fall and Hair Regrowth YOGHURT

How to make?

  • You have to take 2-3 teaspoonful of yoghurt in a bowl and then break open an egg.
  • Now, mix everything well with a fork since fork works better to mix up rather than the spoon.
  • Apply this egg hair mask on the hair and scalp then leave for 50 minutes and wash off.
  • You can apply this treatment once in a while like once in a week for effective results.

2. Olive oil and Egg for hair

Olive oil is great to stimulate the dormant follicles and makes the new hair arise. So, this quick remedy is useful in making the hair get longer and also get stronger. This is rich in proteins and olive oil’s nourishment. So, applying this once in a week will fetch you good results. While you massage your hair with this, you will see results in 3-4 weeks. Yes, it takes times folks. Read: Best olive oil brands in India

Olive oil and Egg for hair

Steps and procedure:

  • Take an egg and break it. Take the contents of the eggs in a bowl and then add 2-3 teaspoonful of olive oil in it.
  • Now, you need to mix these two products well and then apply on the hair.
  • It will smell, so, if you cannot bear the smell then you can only add the white part of the egg in this remedy.
  • Massage on the scalp and be gentle. Leave for 50-60 minutes then wash with normal or cold water.
  • Try repeating remedies like these once or twice in a week

3. Egg yolk and Honey Hair Mask

Egg yolk with honey mask works well on the hair that is falling and has gotten weak due to stress or too much use of the chemical loaded products. It also reinforces the hair strength by inducing hair strengthening from roots. Moreover, this also aids in minimizing the frizzy-ness and dryness of the hair especially in the winter season.

Steps and how to make?

  • Take one or two egg yolk. It actually depends on the hair length or if you just wish to apply this mask only on the hair roots and scalp. So, in that egg yolk you need to add 2-3 teaspoonful of pure honey.
  • Mix then well with a whisker, if you do not have that, use a fork or spoon.
  • Apply this nutrient rich hair mask on the hair and leave for 60 minutes. Then wash with clear normal water.
  • Use this twice in a week for shinier and bouncier hair

4. Egg and Lemon Juice Mask

Egg is wonderful in controlling the hair fall and stimulating the growth of new hair.  This is one of the best egg remedies that will also prevent in the thinning of the hair strands. Not only that lemon juice will also cure the dullness and lack luster hair.

egg and lemon juice mask for hair fall

Procedure and methods:

Take an egg and break this in a bowl. Then you need to add 3-4 teaspoonful of lemon juice on the hair. Then mix this two well. If possible add some honey as well in this so that the efficiency of the hair mask increases. Now whisk it and apply in the hair and hair roots and lengths.

How to use or apply the egg treatments on hair?

Now if you are wondering, how you can use egg on the hair ? Then we will be telling you simple tips on these.

  1. Just take an egg and break open it and take out the contents in a bowl. Then you need to section the hair and taking some on the finger tips apply on the hair.
  2. Apply on the scalp and roots all over the hair first. Then whatever is left apply that on the hair strands. If you feel that egg is getting lesser, break open one more.
  3. If another egg is not available then use some lemon juice to dilute or use some honey and milk in the egg.
  4. We have shared above the egg based home remedies for hair fall that you can try. The application procedure is the same. Lastly, tie you hair in a bun and put a clip to keep the hair in place.
  5. Take a wet cloth and wipe off any egg residue on your ears, neck etc. lemon juice decreases the egg smell hence lemon is good to add in the egg remedies.

These are the ways you can apply the eggs on the hair to get relief in your hair fall and also to make the hair grow again.


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