All Master System game locations in Like a Dragon Gaiden: Th…

like a dragon The series absolutely loves incorporating older Sega titles into the series. In previous games, these were usually placed around different maps in different Sega arcades, but for Like Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name, Times have changed and Kiryu can now play some of the classic games of the past in the comfort of his own hideout. However, the downside is that you have to track all the individual games if you want to play them. There are a total of 12 different retro games from the Old Master System. While you only need to play five to earn the Retro Gamer trophy/achievement, you need to find and try all 12 to fully complete the Log in to Akame Network. No need to write passcode or call hotline for tips, here you can get all master system games Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name,

All Master System Game Locations

Kiryu decided to play some Sega games.

You cannot access the master system Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name Until you reach Chapter 3. At this point, you’ll have access to your hideout and can enter the room to the west with the controller icon to find a storage room with a little CRT and the Master System. Make sure you actually play each game at least once after filling out the log and collecting them to get your trophy/achievement.

Alex Kidd Miracle World

Stroll down Castle Central Street and stand outside the gambling hall. Above one of the pink umbrellas is a grab prompt to grab this cart.


In Sotenbori, go along the W Sotenbori Footpath on the north side of the river. Once again, keep an eye on the canopies overlooking the water for signs of a catch.

Galaxy Force

For a simple and really logical way to get your hands on a Master System game, go to Ebisu Pawn on E Shofukucho Street. The Galaxy Force will be on sale for just 5,500 yen.


It’s time to improve your gambling skills at Castle Casino. Play any game you like until you save up 2,500 chips to buy Quartet from the exchange desk.

enduro racer

The next set of games involves finding specific locker keys, which are a key collectible. like a dragon series. For Enduro Racer, you need to get Locker Key I4, which is on the southeast corner of the Sotenbori River. From Bishamon Bridge, look to the right for a tree at the top of the side path. There will be a grab prompt to grab this key. Use it on its respective locker to get the game.

Fantasy Zone II

Next, we need to look for locker F4. It is on the south side of W. Shufukucho Street, in the narrow space between the gambling hall and the building next to it. You can fit in but you’ll get the usual grab prompt.

alien syndrome

The last game placed in the locker is Alien Syndrome, which requires the F1 key. This key cannot be picked up until at least Chapter 3 when you gain access to the Daidoji hideout. Once you do that, go to the entrance and the key will be lying in the hallway.

global defense

The last key is another easy one. In the Castle, go to the gambling hall and earn 2,500 or more points as you wish. Take them to the Exchange Desk and you can get yourself the last Master System game.


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